Minerals and vitamins in metabolism


The minerals in food we taken  do not release  energy directly in the body  but are important as body regulators and plays a role in metabolic pathways of the body. More than 50 elements are found in the human body in that about 25 elements have been found to be as  essential for the human body. Important minerals include: Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride ions, Copper, Cobalt, Manganese.


Vitamins are functional parts of enzymes involved in energy release and storage. The liver is mostly involved in vitamin metabolism and it produces bile for absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), and used for vitamin storage. Vitamins are important in metabolism include: Vitamin A, Vit-B2 (riboflavin), Niacin or nicotinic acid, Pantothenic Acid, Thiamine, Folate, Cyanacobalamine.


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