Metabolomics| Metabolism| Webinar

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Renowned Speakers

Metabolism| Cell Metabolism| Nature Metabolism| Energy Metabolism| | Human Metabolism | Drug Metabolism| Homeostasis| Metabolomics Conferences| Metabolomics Meetings| Top Metabolomics Conferences| Metabolomics Summit| Metabolomics conference in USA| Best Metabolomics Conferences| Webinar

Ehsaneh Taheri

Shahid beheshti university of Medical sciences, Tehran, Iran Iran

Metabolism| Cell Metabolism| Nature Metabolism| Energy Metabolism| | Human Metabolism | Drug Metabolism| Homeostasis| Metabolomics Conferences| Metabolomics Meetings| Top Metabolomics Conferences| Metabolomics Summit| Metabolomics conference in USA| Best Metabolomics Conferences| Webinar

Amir Reza Sadrolhosseini

Shahid Beheshti University, Iran. Iran

Metabolism| Cell Metabolism| Nature Metabolism| Energy Metabolism| | Human Metabolism | Drug Metabolism| Homeostasis| Metabolomics Conferences| Metabolomics Meetings| Top Metabolomics Conferences| Metabolomics Summit| Metabolomics conference in USA| Best Metabolomics Conferences| Webinar

Hossein Nezakati

Sunway University, Malaysia. Malaysia

Metabolism| Cell Metabolism| Nature Metabolism| Energy Metabolism| | Human Metabolism | Drug Metabolism| Homeostasis| Metabolomics Conferences| Metabolomics Meetings| Top Metabolomics Conferences| Metabolomics Summit| Metabolomics conference in USA| Best Metabolomics Conferences| Webinar

Abdelrahman Hassanein

Egyptian National Research Center, Egypt. Egypt

Metabolism| Cell Metabolism| Nature Metabolism| Energy Metabolism| | Human Metabolism | Drug Metabolism| Homeostasis| Metabolomics Conferences| Metabolomics Meetings| Top Metabolomics Conferences| Metabolomics Summit| Metabolomics conference in USA| Best Metabolomics Conferences| Webinar

Ibrahim Abdelhaleem

Zagazig University Hospitals, Egypt. Egypt

Metabolism| Cell Metabolism| Nature Metabolism| Energy Metabolism| | Human Metabolism | Drug Metabolism| Homeostasis| Metabolomics Conferences| Metabolomics Meetings| Top Metabolomics Conferences| Metabolomics Summit| Metabolomics conference in USA| Best Metabolomics Conferences| Webinar

Melchor Rodrigo

Professor of Neurology, Argentina. Argentina

Metabolism| Cell Metabolism| Nature Metabolism| Energy Metabolism| | Human Metabolism | Drug Metabolism| Homeostasis| Metabolomics Conferences| Metabolomics Meetings| Top Metabolomics Conferences| Metabolomics Summit| Metabolomics conference in USA| Best Metabolomics Conferences| Webinar

Yahya Shafiei Bavil Oliaei

Islamic Azad University, Khoy, Iran. Iran

Metabolism| Cell Metabolism| Nature Metabolism| Energy Metabolism| | Human Metabolism | Drug Metabolism| Homeostasis| Metabolomics Conferences| Metabolomics Meetings| Top Metabolomics Conferences| Metabolomics Summit| Metabolomics conference in USA| Best Metabolomics Conferences| Webinar

Dandji Saah Marc B

PhD. Senior Lecturer, University of Dschang, Cameroon. Cameroon

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Welcome Message

It is our great pleasure to warmly invite all the experts and academics from all around the world to the "2nd International Conference on Metabolomics and Metabolism" held on January 26-27, 2023 | Webinar. This conference goes to hear all the concepts related to Metabolomics and Metabolism which merges all the scientists across the world. In this conference, highly renowned speakers will share, discuss, debate and dissect an innovative and scientific knowledge. We sincerely hope that this conference will deliberate and discuss all the different facets of this topic which will be more excited to lead a better and healthier world.


About Conference

We conduct presentations, distribute and update knowledge about Metabolomics and Metabolism which are the key features of this conference held during January 26-27, 2023 | Webinar. The main motive of this conference is to gather keynote speakers, scientists, doctors, researchers, to share their previous knowledge about the theme. The Webinar deals with the importance of Biochemistry and includes a detailed understanding of Metabolomics, Its Approaches, Mass Spectrometry in Metabolomics Research, Discovery to Function, Metabolic Modeling, NMR, Mass Spectrometry, Immuno Metabolism, Carbohydrates Metabolism, Proteins & Lipids Metabolism,  Cancer Metabolism, Plant Metabolomics, Metabolic Profiling, Metabolic Fingerprinting, Metabolism in human body, Metabolic disorders and their treatments.


Sessions and Tracks

TRACK 1: Metabolomics

It is a study of the distinctive chemical fingerprints that a particular cellular processes leave behind the study of their small-molecule metabolites. It is a research based study on enzymatic and chemical processes includes metabolites, the small molecule substrates, intermediates and products in a cell of human metabolism. Messenger RNA , gene expression data and proteomic analyses states that the set of gene products are being produced in the cell for a specific cellular function.

TRACK 2: Metabolome 

It is a complete set of small-molecule of less than 1.5 k/Da   metabolites such as metabolic intermediates, hormones,   other signaling molecules and secondary metabolites to be found within a biological sample, as a individual organism. The first metabolite database called METLIN for searching fragmentation data from tandem mass spectrometry experiments was conducted by the members of Gary Siuzdak’s lab at  The Scripps Research Institute located in united states of America in 2005.

TRACK 3:Metabolites   

In biochemistry, a metabolite is an breakdown or end product of metabolism and makes energy and are usually used for small molecules, which are combined to form a large molecule in a cell. It may have functions like fuel, structure, signaling, restorative and inhibitory actions on enzymes. A co-factor to an enzyme is pigments, odorants, and pheromones. Generally Metabolites are of two types such as primary metabolite and secondary metabolite. Primary metabolite helps in growth, development and reproduction of a cell whereas secondary metabolite is not involved directly in that process but shows ecological balance.  Ethylene exemplifies a primary metabolite; Antibiotics and Pigments such as   Resins and Terpenes exemplifies a secondary metabolite.

TRACK 4: Metabonomics

It  is defined as "the quantitative measurement of the dynamic multiparametric metabolic response of living systems to pathophysiological stimuli or genetic modification". The word originated from the Greek language which shows “meta” meaning change and “Nomo”  meaning a rule set or set of laws. It provides detailed information on the procedures involved in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GS-MS), liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), and capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (CE-MS).

TRACK 5: Exometabolomics

It is the study of extracellular metabolites and   use many techniques from other subfields of metabolomics, and has applications in biofuel development, bioprocessing, determining drugs mechanism of action, and studying intercellular interactions so It is also called as metabolic foot-printing.

TRACK 6: Metabolic Profiling

It is defined as the identification and quantification of a selected number of predefined metabolites in a specific metabolic pathway and is the measurement in biological systems of the components with low molecular weight metabolites and their intermediates or end products is called Metabolic profiling.

TRACK 7: Metabolic Fingerprinting

It is a rapid and non-invasive analysis, representing a powerful approach for the characterization of phenotypes and the distinction of specific metabolic states due to environmental alterations. Research of unbiased, rapid, global analysis of samples to provide sample classification is oriented towards deriving clinically relevant differences rather than identifying all the molecules present in a sample. The physiological and metabolic modifications in the acute liver damage rat were investigated by performing a metabolic analysis in metabolic fingerprinting.

TRACK 8:Plant Metabolomics 

The metabolomics which deals with an essentially comprehensive, nonbiased, high-throughput analyses of complex metabolite mixtures typical of plant extracts is called Plant Metabolomics.  The First International conference on Plant Metabolomics was held at Wageningen, The Netherlands, in April 2002. The Resources for plant metabolomics are segregating populations like DHs, RILs, etc. and Genetic stocks and Mutant lines. They show some maps from molecular genetic maps to physical maps and then to Genome Sequencing. QTL analysis Is used foe molecular genetic mapping only whereas Functional genomics in genome sequencing for discovery of genes and markers.

TRACK 9: Metabolomics in various Diseases

Metabolomics is novel platform that offers huge potential for the diagnosis and prognosis    of neurodegenerative disorders as an individual metabolome reflects alterations in genetic, transcript, and protein profiles and effects from the environment.  Analysis may also be able to align the choice of therapy, identify responders and predict toxicity, paving the way to a customized therapy. It classifies some diseases in human metabolism and affects the system of the body such as

TRACK 10: Analytical techniques

It is a technique used to collect the samples from tissue, plasma, saliva, urine, etc. after that sample undergone preparation with the metabolites and their components. Sample analysis is analyzed and quantified by either NMR Spectroscopy or MS Spectroscopy are coupled with Liquid chromatography or Gas chromatography. Then the raw output data undergone Data Acquisition and further followed by data analysis and interpretation E.g.: Multivariate analysis – PCA with score plot and loading plot. Analytical techniques involves two types of methods, they are    a) Separation Methods   b) Detection Methods.

TRACK 11: NMR Spectroscopy Based Metabolomics

NMR Spectroscopy based Metabolomics provides an intend to classify progression of toxicological actions, monitor the onset of action and organ-specific toxicity, and identify prodrugs of toxicity. The relative ease of sample preparation, its ability to quantify metabolite levels, the high level of experimental reproducibility, and the inherently nondestructive nature of NMR spectroscopy have made  the platform for large-scale clinical studies. It will also explore some of the specific strengths of NMR-based metabolomics, particularly consider about isotope selection or detection, mixture of de-convolution via 2D spectroscopy, automation, and the ability to non-invasively analyse vernacular tissue specimens.  It can be used for both targeted and untargeted analyses, but it is not commonly used for targeted analyses.

TRACK 12: Mass spectroscopy based metabolomics

This metabolomics offers quantitative analysis with a high selectivity and sensitivity with a potential to identify the metabolites. Different ionization techniques are obtained to maximize the number of detected metabolites. Both (GC)-MS and (LC)-MS are superior for targeted analyses. In in-vivo studies , desorption electrospray ionization (DESI) may be a useful way to analyze tissue samples during surgery, MS is not used for in vivo metabolomics studies. The main chromatography techniques that are specifically coupled with MS are HPLC, gas chromatography, and capillary electrophoresis (CE). For example, investigations detailing a number of diseases including breast cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, oesophageal and gastric cancer , cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases , inborn errors of metabolism.

TRACK 13: Immuno Metabolism

It's a growing field of research that combines immunology and metabolism, and it's helped researchers better understand the impact of dietary interventions on exercise-induced immunological dysfunction.


  • It opens up new avenues for drug development in immune-related disorders.
  • The ability to change the actions of macrophages in situ requires interconnection between certain metabolic components and immunological signalling pathways.

TRACK 14: Metabolomics Approaches

It can be categorized into two types based on their analytical approaches are Targeted and Untargeted groups.  It is having segmentation on the metabolic profiling, identification, quantification on the metabolic substrates either by targeted or untargeted approaches.

A)Targeted metabolomics

  • It is a type of metabolomics which defines absolute metabolite concentrations and identification of specific metabolites by association between their states of condition.

B)Untargeted   Metabolomics


TRACK 15: Metabolism

It is stated that the chemical reactions in the body's cells that change food into energy in which the above described set of reactions within the cells is called "Intermediary metabolism" or "Intermediate metabolism". These enzyme-catalyzed reactions allow organisms to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to their environments. The major elements are available in the form of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. In addition, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and water are necessary to a living organism. It is further classified into two categories i.e.; Catabolism and Anabolism.

The three main purposes of metabolism:

The conversion of the energy from food into ATP form of energy , The conversion of food to constructive blocks of carbs, proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and finally the elimination of metabolic wastes .

TRACK 16: Carbohydrates in metabolism

It is a biochemical processes responsible for the metabolic formation, breakdown, and inter-conversion of energy in ATP form of a human beings. The constant supply of energy by carbohydrate is only Glucose which can be broken down via glycolysis, enter into the Krebs’s cycle and oxidative phosphorylation to generate ATP. Carbohydrates are available in three forms such as sugar, starch, cellulose. Starches and sugars form essential sources of energy for humans whereas Fibers or cellulose contribute to bulk in diet. Body tissues depend on glucose for all activities in a day to day life. Foods such as rice, wheat, bread, potatoes are mostly having high content of sugar. 

TRACK 17: Proteins Metabolism

Protein metabolism is a biochemical processes responsible for the catabolism of proteins and anabolism  of proteins from amino acids (breakdown and formed). Proteins are the main tissue builders in the body. It helps in structure, functions, hemoglobin formation to carry oxygen, enzymes to carry out vital reactions of a cell and innumerable functions in the body. It helps in maintenance of proper PH and fluid balance. The best quality protein foods are eggs, milk, soybeans, meats, vegetables, and grains. They are necessary for nutrition because they contain amino acids. Among the 20 amino acids, the human body is unable to synthesize   8 and these are called essential amino acids.  The essential amino acids include: IsoleucineLysineThreoninePhenylalanineLeucineTryptophanMethionineValine.

TRACK 18: Lipids metabolism

Fat metabolism is a biological metabolic process that breaks down ingested fats into fatty acids and glycerol after that a simple compound is derived, which can be used in cells of the body. Fats are the sources of energy. They produce double energy as either carbohydrates or protein on a weight basis. The end  products of fat metabolism is carbon-dioxide, water and ATP.

The functions of fats include:

Essential fatty acids include saturated fatty acids like   myristoleic acid, palmitoleic acid, sapienic acid, oleic acid, and unsaturated fatty acids like linoleic, linolenic, and arachidonic acids and need to be taken in diet.

TRACK 19: Minerals and vitamins in metabolism


The minerals in food we taken do not release energy directly in the body but are important as body regulators and plays a role in metabolic pathways of the body. More than 50 elements are found in the human body in that about 25 elements have been found to be as essential for the human body. Important minerals include:

Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride ions, Copper, Cobalt, Manganese.


Vitamins are functional parts of enzymes involved in energy release and storage. The liver is mostly involved in vitamin metabolism and it produces bile for absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), and used for vitamin storage. Vitamins are important in metabolism include: Vitamin A, Vit-B2 (riboflavin), Niacin or nicotinic acid, Pantothenic Acid, Thiamine, Folate, Cyanacobalamine.

TRACK 20: Cancer metabolism

The regulation of metabolic reactions in the cancer cell or the surrounding  stroma  generate intermediates that are at the key of cancer pathogenesis, progression, and therapy resistance. Tumours exhibit a wide range of varieties in molecular alterations that merge in metabolic reprogramming. Warburg’s work focused on the metabolic reprogramming of cancer cells, which is now consider as one of the hallmarks of cancer as put forward by Douglas Hanahan and Robert Weinberg in Hallmarks of Cancer. The metabolic profile observed in cancer cells often shows increased consumption of glucose and glutamine, increased glycolysis, alterations in the use of metabolic enzyme isoforms, and increased secretion of lactate. The hallmarks of cancer are Deregulated cellular energetics, sustaining proliferative signaling, Evading growth suppressors, Avoiding immune destruction, Enabling replicative immortality, Tumour promoting inflammation, Resisting cell death.

TRACK 21: Metabolic pathways

It is the sequence of enzyme catalysed reactions that lead to the conversion of a substance into a final product is called as Metabolic Pathways. These allow some enzymes for conversion of energy by different chemicals in a pathway. Enzymes are vital to metabolism because they allow organisms to operate desirable reactions that require energy for growth, production and maintenance. These reactions also are coupled with those that release energy may be in the form of ATP. As enzymes act as catalysts they allow these reactions to proceed rapidly and effectively. Enzymes also allow the regulation of metabolic pathways in response to changes in the cell's environment and signals to other cells.

Metabolism introduces some major properties, they are:

  • Carbon fixation
  • Folic acid metabolism and human embryopathy
  • Nutrient utilization in humans
  • Metabolism Pathways
  • Energy metabolism
  • Oxidative Phosphorylation: mechanism of ATP synthesis.   

TRACK 22: Metabolic syndrome

This syndrome is a combination of conditions that occur together by increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke and Type 2 diabetes and worsen the situation. These conditions may increases blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, excess body fat content around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels in the body.

Types of disorders:

It leads to variety of disorders by their physical nature, onset of action, physiological effects, etc.

TRACK 23: Rare Metabolic Disorder

It is distinguished by elevated levels of the amino acid valine in the blood and urine caused by deficit of the enzyme valine transaminase. This enzyme is needed in the breakdown of valine; this condition is called as Valinemia  which is a very rare metabolic disorder.

TRACK 24: Metabolic Syndrome Treatments

The metabolic disorders are affected due to abnormal level of substrates present in the body and leads to different disorders and it is treated with the help of some below mentioned characters.


Physical exercise

Primary care Provider (PCP)

Anti-diabetic medication






Target Audience

  • Doctors
  • Researchers
  • Scientists
  • Professors
  • Health care professionals
  • Health care administrators
  • Physicians
  • Health care associations and societies
  • Health care universities
  • Associate professors
  • Dietician
  • Health care industries
  • Medical colleges and Hospitals
  • Business Analysts
  • Family medicine specialists
  • Healthcare Investors


Market Analysis

The size of the global metabolomics market is predicted to increase by 13.4% CAGR from 2020 to 2025, from USD 1.9 billion to USD 4.1 billion. The global metabolomics industry is expanding as a result of increasing R&D expenditures in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical sectors, the availability of public and private funding for metabolomics research, and on-going developments in metabolomics equipment.

The market for instruments used in the biological sciences has been severely impacted by the COVID-19 epidemic. The analytical instruments industry is noticing difficulties in the production and supply chain, such as timely delivery of goods to consumers and addressing an unequal demand for goods and services.

The Metabolomics Innovation Centre (TMIC) reported that metabolomics has expanded significantly since the last time. Global investments in metabolomics facilities have increased as a result of high-impact metabolomics discoveries in a variety of illnesses, including cancer. For instance, the US invested more than USD 65 million in its regional comprehensive metabolomics resource cores in 2018, and it is believed that the same amount was invested by US institutions in the development of metabolomics core facilities across the nation. Canada has invested more than USD 30 million in its infrastructure and metabolomics initiatives. Over the past eight years, these grants have played a key role in the emergence of more than 80 university-based metabolomics labs across North America. Additionally, the Netherlands committed around USD 69 million into the Netherlands Metabolomics Centre, and the UK paid over USD 45 million to construct the Phenome Centre at the Imperial College of London. Australia has also invested over USD 49 million in its Metabolomics Australia platform. Thus, it is anticipated that the metabolomics market would expand throughout the projected period as a result of rising investments in metabolomics research in various nations.


Metabolomics market dynamics

  • Driver: Availability of government and private funding for metabolomics research
  • Restraints : Issues related to data examination and processing
  • Opportunity: Biomarker development

By Product & Service, the separation tools accounted for the largest share of the metabolomics market

  • Metabolomics Instruments
  • Separation Techniques
  • High-performance Liquid Chromatography
  • Liquid Chromatography
  • Gas Chromatography
  • Detection Techniques
  • Mass Spectrometry
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

By Indication, Cancer segment expected to grow at the fastest growth rate during the forecast period.

  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular Disorders
  • Neurological Disorders
  • Inborn Errors of Metabolism
  • Others

Major Companies

  • Abbott Laboratories, Inc. (USA)
  • Bristol-Myers Squibb (USA)
  • Novartis (USA)
  • Danaher Corp. ((USA)
  • Nova Biomedical Corp. (USA)
  • Genentech Inc., (USA)
  • Pfizer (USA)
  • Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc., (USA)
  • AstraZeneca (UK)
  • GlaxoSmithKline (UK)
  • Siemens Healthcare. (Germany)
  • Mindray Medical International Ltd. (China)
  • Roche Holding AG. (Switzerland)
  • Mylan (Netherlands)
  • Biocrates (Austria)

Major Associations Worldwide

  • Metabolomics Workbench
  • Metabolomics Society
  • Netherlands Metabolomics Center
  • Cambridge Metabolomics Forum
  • Metabolic Profiling Forum
  • Sciex Metabolomics Community
  • MetaboHUB
  • Phenomenal consortium


To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date January 26-27, 2023

Speaker Opportunity

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Journal of Diabetes & Metabolism

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